About CUK
About CUK
Held the commemorative event for the establishment of RCI-Korea and signed an MOU
Singed an MOU on industry-academia cooperation with Microsoft Korea Inc.
Signed an agreement on the e-learning campaign for multicultural families with Jeollabukdo
Signed an agreement on academic exchanges with the College of Foreign Languages Vietnam National University, Hanoi
11.22Signed the quadripartite memorandum of understanding (MOU) for the distribution and development of e-learning in Vietnam
베트남 e러닝 보급과 발전에 관한4자간 양해각서
04.22Signed a mutual cooperation agreement with the Korea CISSP Association
03.22Held the commemorative event for the establishment of RCI-Korea and signed an MOU
02.26Changed the university's name to the Cyber University of Korea
06.25Won the Chairperson’s Award from the presidential National Brand Committee (e-learning campaign for multicultural families)
06.03Signed a mutual cooperation agreement with Dosan Academy Co., Ltd.
04.06Signed an agreement on academic exchanges with Georgia Southwestern State University(GSW)
조지아 사우스웨스턴 주립대학교 협정서
02.10Signed an agreement on the e-learning campaign for multicultural families with Jeollabukdo
10.01Signed an agreement for online educational support for multicultural families with the Korea Education and Research Information Service (KERIS)
01.08Signed an agreement on industry-academia cooperation with YBM Sisa Co. Ltd.
08.07Singed an MOU on industry-academia cooperation with Microsoft Korea Inc.
04.20Signed an agreement on academic exchanges with the College of Foreign Languages Vietnam National University, Hanoi
04.20Signed an agreement on the POSCO-Jeollanamdo-Gyeongsangbukdo e-learning campaign for multicultural families
09.14Signed an agreement on industry-academia cooperation with Dong-A.com Co., Ltd
02.14Signed an agreement on industry-academia cooperation with the National Pension Service